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Außenansicht der Wetterburg

Count Heinrich IV. of Waldeck built the castle in 1306

The impressive Wetterburg was built in 1576 on the site of the outer bailey of an older castle. It sits on a promontory between the rivers Twiste and Aar. After a fire, it was rebuilt in 1669.

The older castle, whose construction started in 1306, had been used by the residents of Waldeck for protection against Cologne and Paderborn. In 1454, residents from the village of Wetter started to live here after their village was destroyed.
The two massive lower storeys with a prominent bay window support a projecting half-timbered top storey.

Today, the Wetterburg is a restaurant and serves as meeting and conference venue for Hewi, a company based in Bad Arolsen.


Location and directions


Die Wetterburg

Burgstraße 47
34454 Bad Arolsen

Bad Arolsen - Natürlich!


Stadt Bad Arolsen
- Der Magistrat -
Große Allee 24
34454 Bad Arolsen


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