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MacBirdies Adventure Golf

Familie beim Abenteuer Golf
Bahn 6 beim Adventure Golf

Adventure golfing for everyone

Right next to the lido car park is this minigolf course on about 1000 m² with 18 accessible holes on artificial turf. Unlike in classic minigolf, you actually have to step on these fairways!

MacBirdies Adventure Golf features

The holes are all fitted with different obstacles, run uphill or downhill and are between five and twelve metres long. While playing, you traverse streams and trenches, play through a snake and various sandstone obstacles. At the same time, the course takes you through a beautifully landscaped flower garden whose colours change with the seasons. Thanks to the artificial turf, the course can be played on the entire year and even after heavy rain, it becomes quickly usable again
Minigolf clubs and balls are provided for playing, but of course you can bring your own equipment. In particular if using actual golf equipment, playing the course has a whole different feel to it.

And here is a little extra challenge for experienced golfers: Each of the 18 holes is modelled after some of the most famous golf courses in the world. Can you identify all of them?

MacBirdies Adventure Golf is a great venue for children's birthday parties, school field trips or company events. Such special events can obviously be held outside our regular opening times! Contact us for your personalised offer! Contact details are given above.

Admission fees

Monday 14.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start), in the Hessian holidays from 11.00 h
Tuesday 11.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start)
Wedneday 11.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start)
Thursday 11.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start)
Friday 11.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start)
Saturday 11.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start)
Sunday 11.00 to 19.00 h (lastest start)

Admission fees

  • Adults: € 7
  • Children: € 5
  • Groups of 10 or more people

Location and directions


MacBirdies Adventure Golf

Zum Wiggenberg 33
34454 Bad Arolsen-Wetterburg

+49 5691 628444
+49 5691 628445


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Bad Arolsen - Natürlich!


Stadt Bad Arolsen
- Der Magistrat -
Große Allee 24
34454 Bad Arolsen


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